Our Badges

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Rank 6: Aspiring Globetrotter

Points Required: 50 points

🌏 Welcome to the community! You’ve taken your first steps toward an international education. Stay curious and keep exploring—it’s only the beginning of your global journey!

Rank 1: Beyond Pioneer

Points Required: 2000 points

Description: You’ve reached the highest level of engagement! You’re a trailblazer for students seeking degrees abroad, guiding and inspiring others to achieve their global goals.

Rank 2: Global Mentor

Points Required: 1000 points

Description: A leader in the community, your advice and active involvement are paving the way for others to follow in your footsteps. You are a mentor for new students!

Rank 3: Knowledge Seeker

Points Required: 500 points
Description: Your contribution to discussions and support of others is invaluable. Your insights inspire future global students!

Rank 4: Cultural Ambassador

Points Required: 250 points
Description: Your engagement is helping others learn and grow. You’re building cultural connections within the community. Keep sharing your journey!

Rank 5: Global Explorer

Points Required: 100 points
Description: You’re just getting started, but your curiosity about studying abroad is shining through. Keep exploring the world of opportunities!